Monday, July 31, 2006

The motherland

Soo...I still havn't gotten this whole German language thing under control. I just deleted the whole post because I pressed the what I thought was the "post blog" button. Apparently it was the delete button. Crap. So anyways I will abbreviate this message as I don't feel like writing the whole thing over again.
Sooo...this past weekend involved
-Making my dutchie friends proud and renting a brand new VW golf and driving to Amsterdam with 2 of our friends
-camping at this huge hippee campground about a 20 minute bike ride from the center of Amsterdam
-renting bikes and driving all around the city for 2 days
-getting a very sore butt from biking around Amsterdam for 2 days
-seeing the house where Anne Frank and her family were hidden during the war until their arrest
-seeing the reimbrandt collecting at the historical museum of Amsterdam.
-snaping a picture of Reimbrandt's Anatomy lesson...and then getting caught
-driving home from Holland as Bryan was tired (it was my like 3rd time ever driving standard...I'm not going to lie...I'm pretty proud!!!)
-driving 180km/hour on the autobahn and still not being the fastest car on the road
-sleeping in a school last night, and for the rest of the week this is where we will be staying.

This school is where our camp is being held this week and has a rock climbing room full of cool stuff that we will be taking advantage of on our evenings off!! It also has about 5 Steinweigh sp? pianos in it, and we're allowed to play them!!!!

Anyways...We are in the midst of planning our trip next week to Münich, Vienna and then to Prague, then back to Schwerine where my last week of camp will be.
We're hoping to hitch a carpool ride to Munich and then we will take trains the rest of the way. We are also going to check out Its this online service where you can look up people who will put up travellers in their homes for FREE!!! It sounds like the cheapest way to do this week long adventure so we're trying to figure that out!!!
All of this takes quite a bit of planning as we are on a bit of a budget...but we've been quite successful so far!!!
Soo...Anyways...I must go...but I'll try to figure out what these german words all mean next time before I go pushing buttons and deleting things.
I miss you all lots, and Ill talk to you soon.
PS...if I don't have your home address...send it my way and a surprise might come to you in the mail...well it won't be a surprise anymore...but it will still be cool!!!
See ya!!!


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